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  • 云顶集团后备军官训练队:隶属于洛约拉-陶森陆军后备军官训练队项目


    云顶集团与洛约拉-陶森陆军后备军官训练队项目有着密切的合作关系. Participating students gain many advantages, including an opportunity for a scholarship and stipend, leadership training, mentorship, post-graduation employment, and funding for post-graduate education.

    If you are interested in pursuing participation in ROTC as a Goucher student, please reach out to Tania Rachkoskie, associate vice president for enrollment management at tania.rachkoskie@forestnhill.com. She will assist you with any questions and connections needed to pursue the program.


    Goucher College accepts Army ROTC Scholarships as part of the college’s affiliation 洛约拉-陶森陆军后备军官训练队. 该项目设在附近的洛约拉大学 Maryland; however, some of its classes and training take place at Towson State University, 离云顶集团只有几分钟的路程.

    感兴趣的同学可以了解更多 洛约拉大学后备军官训练队项目-灰狗营 by contacting Mr. 约瑟夫·穆奇,奖学金和招生官,电话410-617-5179 or jmucci@loyola.edu.

    The Greyhound Battalion comprises over 100 students from four local universities (Loyola, 陶森、云顶集团和巴黎圣母院).

    The professor of military science who leads the program at Loyola is Lieutenant Colonel Timothy M. 军事科学教授米特罗卡说.


    The focus for the first two years is on individual development, leadership instruction, and meeting the qualifications for service through completion of the following four classes:

    军事科学101:领导力 & 个人发展

    Juniors and seniors in the Battalion must be qualified and committed to serve after graduation or be in the process of contracting to take the advanced military science courses. 要求、责任和期望随着学生的增加而增加 advance through the Army ROTC program with a focus on applying leadership instruction 并准备通过完成以下四项来服务和领导士兵 courses:

    军事科学401:任务指挥 & 军队职业
    军事科学402:任务指挥 & 连队职系主任



    Every year, the Army awards more than 2,000 full tuition scholarships, regardless 成本,对高中毕业生来说. 其他福利包括每月和两年一次的津贴 订书费,都直接付给学生.

    申请在高中毕业前的6月12日开始. 这个过程包括 提交成绩单,考试成绩,个人陈述,体能测试,还有 interview. 申请窗口在6月开启,3月关闭.

    奖学金从11月颁发到次年4月. 开始的最后一天 奖学金申请截止日期为2月26日.


    Students in the Battalion are involved on their campuses, taking part in student government, work study, varsity athletics, various academic and athletic clubs, National Guard and US Army Reserve, and every other extracurricular activity offered through their institutions.


    All graduates of the ROTC program are newly commissioned lieutenants in the army, 承担8年的服务义务.

    Those that serve in the Active Duty Army begin a four- or three-year commitment in 全职工作. 一旦完成了最初的全职工作,他们就可以了 elect to remain active, serve part-time in the Army National Guard (ARNG), or Army 储备(USAR)或进入非活动准备储备(IRR).

    New lieutenants to the Reserve Components (ARNG and USAR) owe the same eight-year obligation, however, they serve in a part-time status or either eight- or six- years 才可选择继续兼职或填写内部报税表.


    Initial career fields for ROTC graduates include opportunities in Operations Support (military intelligence, signal, and cybersecurity); Maneuver, Fires, Effects (Engineer, Field Artillery, Infantry, Aviation, Military Police, among others) and Force Sustainment (Finance, Medical Services, Quartermaster, Transportation, Adjutant General, among others).





    Yes, within the last five years, five Goucher students have participated in the Loyola-Towson 陆军灰狗营后备军官训练队项目.


    The weekly schedule for first year students would be fitness training at Loyola on Tuesday mornings and at Towson on Thursday mornings, a class for first-year students at Loyola on Tuesday afternoons and Towson on Thursday afternoons, and a Leadership 周三上午实验室(地点不同).

    I am an athlete and there will be conflicts between game schedules and training and 我的后备军官训练队要求. 我还能参加田径和后备军官训练队吗?

    Yes, our athletics department has partnered with Loyola Army ROTC leadership in the past to facilitate Goucher student participation in the ROTC program, resolving conflicts 在比赛日程、运动训练和后备军官训练队的要求之间.






    No. Most of the Battalion’s new students are first-year students right from high school 没有任何军事经验.


    While we cannot say for sure, we can tell you that most scholarship recipients were 在他们高中的班级里名列前50%,平均绩点是3分.7、会员资格 在全国荣誉协会. 优秀的体育运动——成为校队的优等生 或者球队队长——也是大多数奖学金获得者考虑的因素.


    大多数进入ROTC的学生都没有奖学金. 那些加入节目并表演的人 well can compete for and earn a scholarship after meeting academic, fitness and medical qualifications. 一旦学生进入后备军官训练队,就没有申请程序 scholarships like in high school; ROTC staff make nominations based upon students’ GPA, Army Combat Fitness Test score, Order of Merit List (performance ranking among peers in class), Professor of Military Science rating of potential, and input from your instructor. 然后,提名将进入更高级别的最终选择 are made.

    我毕业后的报酬怎么样? 那看起来像什么?

    Full-time compensation in the Active-Duty Army is competitive with regular increases 并提供全球旅行和任务. 福利包括100%的医疗和牙科, 30 days paid vacation annually, unmatched life insurance, transferable education benefits, civilian transition assistance, world-class family services and highly coveted civilian skills.

    Part-time compensation in the Army National Guard and Army Reserves is excellent, with regular pay increases, and benefits include low-cost medical and dental excellent education benefits, family services, highly coveted civilian skills, many training and travel opportunities and the opportunity to work close to home within your community.